3d Populist (Fusion) National Convention, 1900 |
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Temporary Chairman | Permanent Chairman | Presidential Nominee | Vice Presidential Nominee |
P.M. Ringdale MN | Former U.S. Rep. Thomas M. Patterson CO | Former U.S. Rep. William J. Bryan NE | Former U.S. Rep. Charles A. Towne MN |
The Populist Party in the McKinley Administration
As the nation's largest third party, the Populists made an organizational decision in 1896 which had major consequences for the party. On the national level, the Populist Party "fused" with the Democratic Party - though the two parties offered different nominees for Vice President. On the state level, local Populist parties were left at liberty to proceed as they saw fit. In the Plains states, the Populists fused with the Democrats, and in some states completely replaced the Democrats. In the South, the Populists fused with the Republican Party. The result: though Bryan was defeated, the Populists greatly enlarged their representation in Congress from 10 to 26.
In several southern states, the legislature was still controlled by the Democrats. They began passing a series of legislation to eliminate the franchise for black voters. This policy was intended to undermine a bloc of the Populist (that is, anti-Democratic) vote. The move had its intended consequences, as in the mid-term election of 1898, Populist representation in the U.S. House fell to 9, its lowest since the party's founding.
The treatment of Populists by the Democratic Party led to a division in the Populist Party. On 5/17/1899, Populist Party leaders met in St. Louis and issued an address calling for a "Middle of the Road" policy, in which the party would decline future fusion efforts. The policy was aimed at the party's national chairman, U.S. Senator Marion Butler NC [New York Times, 5/18/1899]. Butler had been elected to the Senate through fusion with North Carolina Republicans, and he was already working for the re-nomination of William J. Bryan by the Populists in 1900.
The pro-fusion leaders of the Populists fought back in early 1900. The first state party known to have divided was the Nebraska party, which divided during its state convention on 3/19/1900 [New York Times, 3/20/1900]. Both factions appointed delegates to the national convention, scheduled for Cincinnati. The Fusion Populists decided to change the location of their national convention when it became apparent that Ohio Populists did not favor fusion and were working to organize the "Middle of the Road" convention.
National Convention
The Populist (Fusion Faction) National Convention assembled in a large tent just west of Sioux Falls SD on 5/9-10/1900. There were 856 delegates present; three states and DC sent some female delegates for the first time. Marion Butler called the convention to order at 2:00 on the 9th, and soon thereafter the Minnesota and Nebraska delegations marched into the tent carrying large banners.
Temporary Chairman: P.M. Ringdale MN
Permanent Chairman: Thomas M. Patterson
The Credentials Committee faced the question of whether delegates present would be allowed to cast the vote for delegates who were not present. States with full delegations present, such as Texas, argued in favor of allowing the casting of the full vote, and after a long debate, the states voted 31-1 to allow the rule. Colorado voted in the negative.
After hearing a series of speeches the morning of the 10th, the Platform Committee reported. Though the platform was adopted with little discussion, the delegates cheered loudest for the planks on finances, transportation, and direct election of U.S. Senators. The delegates were less interested in public ownership of utilities but allowed the plank to stand.
Former U.S. Senator William V. Allen NE placed William J. Bryan in nomination with a brief nominating speech. James B. Weaver gave the seconding speech. After a series of speeches by political leaders favoring Bryan, Allen stepped forward and asked that the rules be suspended and Bryan declared the nominee by acclamation. When a delegate requested that those in favor stand, almost the entire body of delegates stood. The chairman declared the motion passed and Bryan the nominee.
After the demonstration ended, the issue of the vice presidential nomination came before the convention. E. Gerry Brown MA offered a resolution that the convention nominate a candidate. Some party leaders wanted to appoint a set of five candidates, with the Democrats and Silver Republicans selecting the eventual nominee from the set.
In the middle of the vice presidential procedural debate, the chairman announced that a package was at the front for the South Dakota delegation. The chairman of that state delegation rose to accept the package and angrily shouted at the chairman for not recognizing their efforts in organizing the convention or calling on them during any convention discussions. The exchange was light-hearted and helped soften the VP debate.
The VP procedural debate continued. Finally, the roll was called on the amendment calling for the selection of five candidates for the Democrats and Silver Republicans to choose from. The delegates voted in the negative, 262-492.
Sen. Allen then placed Charles A. Towne (chairman of the National Silver Republican Party) in nomination for vice president and moved that he be declared the nominee by acclamation. A series of other men were placed in nomination, all of whom declined the run except J. J. Lentz of Ohio. The vote on the motion to nominate Towne by acclamation was nearly unanimous, with only some Lentz supporters from Montana voting in the negative.
The Campaign
The Bryan-Towne ticket faced long odds. Democratic leaders were cool to Thomas Patterson when he approached them about the result of the convention. He told a New York Times reporter [story in the issue of 5/14/1900] that he regretted the Towne nomination. In the weeks between the Fusion Populist National Convention and the concurrent national conventions of the Democratic and the Silver Republican Parties, state affiliates around the nation discussed the Towne nomination.
A conference committee comprised of representatives of the three parties met during the DNC/SRNC. The conference appeared to have a beneficial effect, but the conferees did not issue a statement of support for Towne [New York Times 7/6/1900].
When the Democratic National Convention bypassed Towne in favor of former VP Adlai Stevenson, another segment of the Fusion Populists bolted to the Middle of the Roaders. The most serious altercation came in Nebraska, where the Populist, Silver Republican, and Free Silver Parties objected to the fusion ticket the Democrats sought [New York Times 7/12/1900].
Towne was torn between continuing his separate campaign. He continued to consult with Bryan and Populist leaders on how to proceed. Democratic leaders, of course, wanted him out of the race immediately. After the state elections in North Carolina, which made it clear that Sen. Butler would not be re-elected, Towne withdrew [New York Times 8/8/1900]. The Populist National Committee met in Chicago to discuss their alternatives but postponed a decision. Butler boycotted the meeting, fueling speculation that he had also bolted [New York Times 8/10, 14/1900].
The Populist Party National Committee re-assembled on 8/27/1900 and officially offered Stevenson the post. He accepted on 9/25/1900 [New York Times 9/27/1900].
Once Towne was off the ticket, the Fusion Populists ceased to exist as a separate national organization. Butler left the national party, and Bryan's inability to improve upon the 1896 result confirmed the Middle of the Road Populist rhetoric.
2d Populist Party National Convention (1896)
4th Populist Party National Convention (1904)
Popular Vote of 1900
Electoral Vote of 1900