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  MO District 01 - D Primary
Parents > United States > Missouri > MO - District 01
OfficeHouse of Representatives
HonorificRepresentative - Abbr: Rep.
TypeDemocratic Primary Election
Filing Deadline March 26, 2024 - 12:00pm Central
Polls Open August 06, 2024 - 06:00am Central
Polls Close August 06, 2024 - 07:00pm Central
Term Start January 03, 2025 - 12:00pm
Term End January 03, 2027 - 12:00pm
Turnout 19.99% Total Population
Last ModifiedRBH August 27, 2024 01:09pm
Data Sources[Link]
  PartyDemocratic Won11/08/2022
NameCori Bush Votes160,999 (72.86%)
Term01/03/2023 - 01/03/2025 Margin107,232 (+48.53%)
  PartyDemocratic Won11/05/2024
NameWesley Bell Votes233,312 (75.93%)
Term01/03/2025 - 01/03/2027 Margin176,859 (+57.56%)
RaceMO District 01 11/05/2024
Leaning Graph
09/18/2023 08/06/2024
Wesley Bell 8 2 2 --
Cori Bush ----1 1
Leaning Call: Wesley Bell (72.00%)
Weighted Call: Wesley Bell (99.43%)
Poll Graph

02/07/2024 07/24/2024

Name Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell (I) Rep. Cori Bush St. Rep. Maria N. Chappelle-Nadal Ron Harshaw  
PartyDemocratic Democratic Democratic Democratic  
Campaign Logo  
Certified Votes 63,521 (51.12%) 56,723 (45.65%) 3,279 (2.64%) 735 (0.59%)  
Margin0 (0.00%) -6,798 (-5.47%) -60,242 (-48.48%) -62,786 (-50.53%)  
Predict Avg.0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%  
Cash On Hand 6/30 $2,403,885.25 6/30 $24,135.83 $-- $--  
Website [Campaign Site] [Campaign Site] [Campaign Site]  
Entry Date 10/30/2023 01/29/2024 02/06/2024 03/21/2024  
MATCHUP POLLS (4 from 3 pollsters)
Adj Poll Avg51.05%-- 38.57%-- 0.50%-- 0.50%--  
Mellman Group (D) 
48.00% 5.0 42.00% -- 0.50% -- 0.50% --
McLaughlin & Associates (R) 
56.00% -- 33.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
Mellman Group (D) 
43.00% -- 42.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
Remington Research 
50.00% -- 28.00% -- 4.00% -- 0.00% --

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Start Date Candidate Category Ad Tone Lng Title Run Time Contributor
07/27/2024 Cori Bush vs Wesley Bell TVAd Attack eng Justice For Our Families  00:00:28 E Pluribus Unum 
02/06/2024 Maria N. Chappelle-Nadal Web Only Ad Contrast eng I'm Running for Congress  00:00:30 BrentinCO 

Title Purchase Contributor


Date Category Headline Article Contributor

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Previous Messages]
I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 12:23:27 AM UTC0:00
Bringing up the names of innocent children killed aren't you ?. You're doing that to further trash Israel.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 12:29:16 AM UTC0:00
This is still a win for progressives, Bell campaigned as progressive and pragmatic. Bush was very very ineffective at getting things done.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 12:31:21 AM UTC0:00
E Pluribus Unum: AND those are just the ones I can fit in a comment..../q>

Ever since October 7th 2023, I have become a even stronger supporter of Israel. Americans for Palestine are like Chickens for KFC.

R:250Mr. Politics ( 190.1725 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 12:37:46 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: Bush proved that hating Israel is a losing message. How dare you stand against a democratic ally already struggling to defend itself against terrorists

She will parlay this into a career move that is better paying.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 01:06:01 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: Bringing up the names of innocent children killed aren't you ?. You're doing that to further trash Israel.
Innocent children killed by WHO LSwisso....

LSjustbloggin: Ever since October 7th 2023, I have become a even stronger supporter of Israel.

Yeah....that's kinda the problem. You are literally looking at a country become more genocidal, ethnonationalist, and authoritarian every day since October 7th; and rather than being TURNED OFF by that. You continue TO support that. Like Israel has shifted massively to the right and has gone full blown mask off. I cannot even PHATHOM support for them outside of being a fascist ethnonationalist settler colonialist yourself. (And/Or you REALLY hate Arabic People)

REMINDER Since October 7th Israel has:
-Unilaterally bombed 13,000+ children [Link]
-Tried to ban politicians critical of their policies from holding office [Link]
-Raided the offices of Parties advocating for peace [Link]
-Ran election interference campaigns on Multiple Western Politicians to push their interests [Link]
-Outright REJECTS the pleas of the families of the Hostages [Link]
-Had a debate about whether or not it was ok for their soldiers to ANALLY RAPE prisoners [Link]
-When there was the slightest pushback on the above, those same politicians led RIOTS to help them [Link]

Would you also happen to agree that the above list is bad?

LSjustbloggin: Americans for Palestine are like Chickens for KFC.

To most people the "OPPOSING GENOCIDE" take is really cold, but I guess that's too hot for you

D:6086Jason (11913.3682 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 01:14:01 AM UTC0:00
Since moving back to California I have been shopping around my screenplay. It is about two individuals with different views on the Israel-Palestine conflict who sit down and have a civil but impassioned discussion about the issue. They leave the meeting with a mutual understanding of the other side's position and emerge as more intellectually well-rounded people. A My Dinner With Andre-style character study for the present day, if you will.

I have been told that studios are not picking it up due to the lack of interest in the Fantasy genre.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:22:38 AM UTC0:00
Israel was just defending itself against terrorists seeking to destroy it. You really expect the middle east to democratize should Palestine ever become independent ?.

A free Palestine would never democratize and instead be just like the other countries in the middle east with the way they subject their citizens.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:24:31 AM UTC0:00
Mr. Politics: <q 11727="">
She will parlay this into a career move that is better paying.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:32:49 AM UTC0:00
I've been viewing this website for a long time and I just started commenting. My comments often get me in hot water, which is why I'm glad I didn't start commenting during the campaigns of multiple key elections years ago.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:38:06 AM UTC0:00
My political views are neutral. The thing about politics is that you have to declare your alliance before you announce your candidacy for office. Political machines always have their way.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:52:42 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: Israel was just defending itself against terrorists seeking to destroy it.

How is killing 13,000 Children "DEFENDING ITSELF FROM TERRORISTS"?

How is silencing political opposition "DEFENDING ITSELF FROM TERRORISTS"?

How is allowing their soldiers to rape prisoners "DEFENDING ITSELF FROM TERRORISTS"?

LSjustbloggin: You really expect the middle east to democratize should Palestine ever become independent ?.

Of the 17 Countries traditionally referred to as "THE MIDDLE EAST", nine have a system of Republicanism that is very similar to Western Nations, one of which being Palestine. If you are referring to the fact that Palestine hasn't had one since 2006, little hard to do when you are under constant bombardment, a symptom of the entire political system of the Middle East. Things do not happen in a vacuum, Liberals and Conservatives seem to really think that's the case when analyzing foreign policy. Bad things just MAGICALLY happen, and there is nothing we could have done to prevent it, when anyone else can see how mistakes of our past lead to the actions of today.

LSjustbloggin: A free Palestine would never democratize and instead be just like the other countries in the middle east with the way they subject their citizens.

So you believe that the best course of action is to kill their children so they will not only be more angry at us but also be pushed further into their radical belief systems?

Y'know, repeating the literal SAME ERRORS that were done in the past.

D:6086Jason (11913.3682 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:53:53 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: I've been viewing this website for a long time and I just started commenting. My comments often get me in hot water, which is why I'm glad I didn't start commenting during the campaigns of multiple key elections years ago.

You're pretending this isn't you?


RSF:11714KeystonePopulist ( -7.6004 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:58:47 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: I've been viewing this website for a long time and I just started commenting. My comments often get me in hot water, which is why I'm glad I didn't start commenting during the campaigns of multiple key elections years ago.

Well, welcome to the forum. I look forward to your contributions. It's just always good to think about what you say before you post it. Like to be honest, comparing Palestinians to Chickens is probably not a very good start....

Debate that leaves both parties thinking about the other point of view and doesn't involve personal attacks is healthy. Try not to engage in personal attacks, and if the other person is doing it stop engaging. I'm able to get along with people on both sides of the political spectrum, because although I feel strongly about certain issues, I try to communicate in a way that respects their views while also explains my position and why I feel that way.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 04:08:48 AM UTC0:00
Actully, I've been viewing this site since 2015 and I just started commenting. I know how much negative attention a single comment can cause. Online comments can later be used against me if I'm reckless, I have been reckless in the past on social media.

Commenting on certain topics just gets me into hot water and I would rather stay silent than be forced to comment on a hot-button issue. I like to comment at my own leisure and how I see fit.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 04:16:50 AM UTC0:00
To be honest, I have since become more compassionate about Israel than I have on domestic issues. You're right, that wasn't a good start.

E Pluribus Unum is entitled to their view and I felt like I had to respond to someone who trashed Israel.

The one way I want to help with this website is by sending links to the profiles of long-deceased politicians who don't have photos.

I am armed with information, I use voteview.com, govinfo.gov and congress.gov. Voteview is very interesting because it shows the ideological positions a politican takes when they voted on a certain piece of legislation.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 04:30:00 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: Commenting on certain topics just gets me into hot water

Well when your first comment is defending a genocide, you 100% deserve to be in hot water. Usually debating with Zionists they like to DRESS up their views in smth else but, you kinda just went straight for the Racism and/or islamophobia lol

PSU:9399Juan Croniqueur ( -34.0791 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 04:43:11 AM UTC0:00
It is all too common for good "moderates" and "liberals" to turn into Julius Streicher when talking about Palestine and Palestinians.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 05:07:26 AM UTC0:00
I'm not falling for Islamic propaganda that trashes Israel. E Pluribus Unum, You're just as bad as all those anti-Israel influencers and users across multiple social media platforms and activists on college campuses, you're very contagious. It just sickens me that people are rushing to trash Israel when it was undeservingly attacked. No death was deserved in this bitter conflict and every country has the right to defend itself against enemy invaders. Hamas must be destroyed and yes, they are terrorists.

I support Israel and you clearly don't.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 05:43:38 AM UTC0:00

Cori Bush was one of 9 Democrats who refused to condemn Hamas for the brutal and barbaric attack they unleashed. The attacks were condemned in the House and she was shamed along with 8 other Dems for their vote on this resolution.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 06:34:11 AM UTC0:00
Whereas I am conscious in my comments, you E Pluribus Unum are just flamboyant and full of rage in your comments.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 06:35:42 AM UTC0:00
E Pluribus Unum's style of posting is contagious, flamboyant, raged-filled, and something the users on this site would rather not see.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 06:52:12 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: Whereas I am conscious in my comments, you E Pluribus Unum are just flamboyant and full of rage in your comments.

So you made the conscious decision to call 13,000 Dead Kids "Islamic Propaganda". Gotcha

LSjustbloggin: E Pluribus Unum's style of posting is contagious, flamboyant, raged-filled, and something the users on this site would rather not see.

Get used to it Genocide Supporter, I'm goin nowhere ^.^

Also love how the response is never a refutation to what I am saying, cuz its a little hard to argue against facts

PSU:9399Juan Croniqueur ( -34.0791 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 01:06:04 PM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: E Pluribus Unum's style of posting is contagious, flamboyant, raged-filled, and something the users on this site would rather not see.

If you would rather not see his posts, you may make use of the ignore function. Also, no one forces anyone on this site to react or reply to posts they dislike.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 02:06:50 PM UTC0:00




I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Sun, September 1, 2024 03:37:47 PM UTC0:00
E Pluribus Unum's hatred of Israel is not being received positively.

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