Poll | Mid Date | Time Weight | Internal | Sinn Féin | Democratic Unionist Party | Alliance Party of Northern Ireland | Ulster Unionist Party | Social Democratic and Labour Party | Traditional Unionist Voice | Green Party of Northern Ireland | People Before Profit Alliance | Others | Progressive Unionist Party | Northern Ireland Conservatives | Socialist Party | Workers' Party of Ireland | Independents | Aontú | Cross-Community Labour Alternative | Irish Republican Socialist Party |
Social Market Research | 4/26 | X 1.00000 | 26.6000 - -1.4016 bias | 18.2000 - -2.4293 bias | 18.2000 - 5.3742 bias | 12.1000 - 1.3919 bias | 10.5000 - 1.8346 bias | 5.7000 - -1.7068 bias | 2.9000 - 1.1066 bias | 2.1000 - 1.0450 bias | ||||||||||
LucidTalk | 4/24 | X 0.96667 | 26.0000 - -0.5199 bias | 20.0000 - -1.8809 bias | 14.0000 - -0.0565 bias | 14.0000 - 3.1395 bias | 10.0000 - 1.6357 bias | 9.0000 - -0.5886 bias | 3.0000 - 0.4755 bias | 2.0000 - 0.2671 bias | ||||||||||
TOTAL | 27.273307 | 21.244493 | 13.430720 | 10.783008 | 8.517402 | 8.479210 | 2.152754 | 1.388205 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |