Poll Average Details- MO US Senate - 2006-11-07 21:00:00

The Poll Average is a weighted and adjusted number.
[Mid Date Column] All times are calculated by the middle date of the poll if it spans multiple days.
A time window of 2 months prior to the most recent poll is used.
[Time Weight Column] Polls are weighted in the amount they contribute to the final results in a linear fashion in this time window - the newest poll has a weight of 1, a poll 30 days prior will have a weight of 0.5 and a poll 60 days out will have a weight of 0. If the same pollster has more than one poll in this time period, only the newest will be used.
[Internal Column] If a poll is marked as being an internal poll for one of the candidates, it's weight will be halved.
[Candidate Columns, Bias] OurCampaigns has calculated partisan bias figures for all Polling Firms based on data from final vote totals in races they have polled. These amounts are subtracted from the poll result - in the case the bias figure is negative it will effectively be added to the poll result and appear as two dashes (minus a negative = plus). [TOTAL Row] The adjusted weights are summed for each poll result and the adjusted poll results for each candidate are multiplied by the poll weight and then summed. Each candidate's poll sum is divided by their weight sum to give the total.

PollMid DateTime WeightInternal Claire McCaskill Jim Talent Scott BabbittFrank Gilmour Frank GilmourLydia Lewis Don Barrett Arthur W. Shortland
OnPoint Polling and Research11/6X 1.00000   49.0000 - 1.5272 bias 46.0000 - 0.0144 bias        
Survey USA11/5X 0.98333   51.0000 - 0.6087 bias 42.0000 - 0.3321 bias 4.0000 - 1.3026 bias      
Polimetrix11/5X 0.98333   50.0000 - 1.9452 bias 50.0000 - 1.6909 bias        
Gallup11/4X 0.96667   49.0000 - -2.6491 bias 45.0000 - 2.8840 bias        
Mason-Dixon11/3X 0.95000   46.0000 - 0.4628 bias 45.0000 - 0.8197 bias        
Rasmussen Reports11/2X 0.93333   49.0000 - 0.4222 bias 48.0000 - 1.5749 bias 0.0000 - 1.6402 bias 0.0000 - -0.8637 bias    
Reuters/Zogby10/31X 0.90000   46.0000 - 1.3729 bias 43.0000 - 0.1506 bias 0.0000 - -2.3990 bias 0.0000 - -0.8637 bias    
Opinion Research Corporation (CNN)10/29X 0.86667   49.0000 - 0.8606 bias 49.0000 - 0.4315 bias        
Zogby Interactive10/27X 0.83333   47.3000 - 0.0637 bias 48.6000 - 0.8374 bias 3.0000 - 3.1506 bias      
Research 200010/26X 0.81667   47.0000 - 1.1463 bias 47.0000 - 0.1379 bias 2.0000 - -0.0712 bias      
LA Times10/23X 0.76667   45.0000 - 1.0135 bias 48.0000 - 1.0817 bias        
the polling company™ (R)10/1X 0.40000   49.0000 - -0.1545 bias 40.0000 - 1.2390 bias        
TOTAL 47.585190 45.257849 1.085075 0.863700 0.000000 0.000000