Center-right pro-regime party founded by Amar Ghoul, a former member of the executive body of the Peace Society Movement (MSP), who split from it in 2012, decrying its "hidebound Islamism." Ghoul aimed to bring together moderate Islamists, nationalists and liberal democrats to support the "national stability" established by the government led by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Amar Ghoul was rewarded by Bouteflika with an appointment as Minister of Transport on September 11, 2013. Ghoul (and his party's political fortunes) wound up a victim during the "Hirak," demonstrations that took place between 2019 and 2021 in Algeria to protest against Bouteflika's candidacy for a fifth presidential term. He, along with many others associated with Bouteflika, were politically persecuted and imprisoned by "investigators" linked to the protesters (and Bouteflika rivals within the military). Party has been led by former Environment Minister Fatma Zohra Zerouti since 2020. Party holds one seat in the Senate [Rassemblement de l'espoir pour l'Algérie; تجمع أمل الجزائر "Tajamoua Amel El Djazair"(TAJ)].