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  Approval Voting
CountryUnited States
Last EditedRBH - March 26, 2020 10:55pm
DescriptionThe purpose of the Approval Voting Party is to provide visibility to the most attainable alternative voting method; our candidates do not expect to be elected, We acknowledge the “wasted vote argument” and are advocating for a change to voting methods, not to serve in office. Approval Voting is the most easily implemented solution.

Our current voting system makes, and our candidacy lives, the wasted vote argument. Don’t waste your vote on unelectable candidates! When voters do vote for a third party, they are usually sabotaging their philosophical allies.

Too often voters are plagued by the following voter’s regret issues:

Have you ever been torn between voting for who you really wanted in office and holding your nose for the electable candidate? Approval Voting lets you the voter vote for both candidates! With Approval Voting you have the opportunity to be pragmatic and honest.
Have you ever watched similar candidates split the vote and let a third candidate win? This happens because the other two inadvertently or deliberately sabotaged each other?
Have you ever felt so angry about one candidate that you felt like voting for everyone except that candidate? Approval Voting gives you the opportunity to fulfil that ambition.
Approval Voting solves these dilemmas, and gives you the choice and power to vote your conscience!

Again, thank you for investigating Approval Voting.

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Oct 02, 2019 08:00pm News Colorado's Approval Voting Party achieves minor party status  Article BrentinCO 



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