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Abbreviation | PH |
Website | http://www.partidohumanista.cl/ |
Country | Chile |
Established | 1984-05-26
Disbanded | 2022-02-03
Contributor | Thomas Walker |
Last Edited | Bojicat - August 19, 2022 10:47am |
Description | Left-wing party which emerged from the non-profit anti-Pinochet Community for Human Development formed in 1980. Party became the first opposition party to Pinochet to be legalized and the first to present a female presidential candidate in Chilean history, Laura Rodríguez, ahead of elections in 1989. She also became the first female president of a political party in Chile, taking control of PH on December 12, 1989. Turmoil within party ranks as a result of two decades of declining popular support moved the party to shore up its strength by forming with the Equality Party the Dignity Now pact on August 11, 2020 ahead of elections held in 2021. Party however failed to reach the minimum 5% electoral support and was forced to dissolve in early 2022. Party president was Natalia Ibanez [Partido Humanista (PH); formally, Partido Humanista de Chile]. |
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