Description | The Peasants and Workers Party of India (Marathi: भारतीय शेतकरी कामगार पक्ष, Bharatiya Shetkari Kamgar Paksha, abbreviated शेकाप/SheKaPa), is a marxist political party in Maharashtra, India. The party was founded in 1947, having its roots from the pre-Independence period and has around 10,000 members.[1] The influence of the party is largely limited to three districts.
Member of legislative council of Maharashtra, Mr. Jayant Prabhakar Patil, is the chairperson and Prof. S. V. Jadhav is a general secretary of the party. Party is having 4 mla and 1 mlc.Party has a strong hold on Raigad District as well as party has zp members in 6 districts of Maharashtra(Raigad,Solapur,Nashik,Nagpur,Nanded,Parabhani)महाराष्ट्रामध्ये पक्षाचे ४ विधानसभा सदस्य, १ विधान परिषद सदस्य आहेत. तसेच रायगड जिल्हा परिषद तसेच पेण, पनवेल, अलिबाग, सांगोला पंचायत समितीवर शेकापची सत्ता आहे. रायगडसह इतर ५ जिल्हा परिषदांमध्ये(नांदेड, सोलापूर, नाशिक, परभणी, नागपूर ) पक्षाचे सदस्य निवडून आले आहेत.अलिबाग, काटोल,बिलोली, इत्यादी नगरपरिषद शेकापच्या वर्चस्वाखाली आहेत तसेच खोपोली, पनवेल मध्ये पक्षाचे नगरसेवक आहेत. . .[2] Dhajiba Balvantrao was general secretary between the years of 1954 and 1960.[3]
The students organization of the party is called Purogami Yuvak Sanghatna. |