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Abbreviation | KDU |
Website | http://www.kdu.cz/ |
Country | Czech Republic |
Established | 1919-01-03
Disbanded | 0000-00-00
Contributor | 411 Name Removed |
Last Edited | Bojicat - September 05, 2020 02:59pm |
Description | Centrist, socially conservative party representing the merger of five Catholic parties in 1919; the Conservative People's Party (KSL), the Catholic-National Conservative Party of Bohemia (KNKSČ), and of Moravia (KNKSM), the Czech Christian Social Party (ČKSSČ) and the Moravian-Silesian Christian Social Party (MSKSSM). Known in Czech as Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová (KDU-ČSL) or the 'populars' ('lidovci').
Known as the 'Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party'. Commonly shortened to KDU-ČSL https://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/lidovci-zvolili-vedeni-a-upravili-nazev-strany-na-zkratku-kdu-csl/1739173 |
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