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Social Democratic Federation
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Abbreviation | SDF |
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Country | United Kingdom |
Established | 1881-06-07
Disbanded | 1939-00-00
Contributor | Ralphie |
Last Edited | RBH - December 18, 2019 03:11pm |
Description | The Social Democratic Federation (SDF) was established as Britain's first organised socialist political party by H. M. Hyndman, and had its first meeting on June 7, 1881. Those joining the SDF included William Morris, George Lansbury and Eleanor Marx. However, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's long-term collaborator, refused to support Hyndman's venture.
The party was originally known as the Democratic Federation, but changed its name in 1884, to make its socialist politics clearer following a merger with the Labour Emancipation League.
The SDF was an outwardly Marxist party but contained many members who, whilst being socialists, did not consider themselves Marxist. They took part in many elections but met with no success.
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