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CountryUnited States
Contributor*crickets chirp*
Last EditedRBH - October 19, 2007 05:54pm

The tertium quids (sometimes shortened to quids) refers to different factions of the United States Democratic-Republican Party during the period 1804-1812. In Latin, the term means "a third something". Quid was a disparaging term that referred to cross-party coalitions of Federalists and moderate Democratic-Republicans.

The term was first used in Pennsylvania in 1804, referring to a faction of the Democratic-Republican party called "the Society of Constitutional Republicans." They gathered Federalist support and in 1805 re-elected Governor Thomas McKean, who had been elected by a united Democratic-Republican party in 1802 but had broken with the majority wing of the party. In New York state the term was applied to the Democratic-Republican faction that remained loyal to Governor Morgan Lewis after he was repudiated by the Democratic-Republican majority led by DeWitt Clinton. The two "quid" factions had no connection with one other at the federal level; both supported President Thomas Jefferson.

When Virginia Congressman John Randolph of Roanoke broke with Jefferson and James Madison in 1806, his Congressional faction was called "quids." Randolph was the leader of the "Old Republican" faction that insisted on strict adherence to the Constitution and opposed any innovations. He made no effort to align with either quid faction in the states and made no effort to build a third party at the federal level. Randolph supported James Monroe against Madison during the runup to the presidential election of 1808, but the state quids supported Madison. They were led by Randolph, who had started as Jefferson's leader in the House and became his bitterest enemy. Randolph denounced the Yazoo Purchase compromise of 1804 as totally corrupt. After Randolph failed in the impeachment of a Supreme Court justice in 1805, he became embittered with Jefferson and Madison, complaining, "Everything and everybody seem to be jumbled out of place, except a few men who are steeped in supine indifference, whilst meddling fools and designing knaves are governing the country. . . ." [Risjord 42]. He refused to help fund Jefferson's secret purchase of Florida from Spain. Increasingly, Randolph felt that Jefferson was adopting Federalist policies and betraying the true party spirit. He wrote to an ally that "the Administration....favors federal principles, and, with the exception of a few great rival characters, federal men.... The old {Democratic-) Republican party is already ruined, past redemption. New men and new maxims are the order of the day." [Risjord 47] Randolph's increasingly strident rhetoric limited his influence, and he was never able to build a coalition to stop Jefferson. However, many of his supporters lived on and, by 1824, looked to Andrew Jackson to resurrect what they called "Old Republicanism."

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10/09/1810 PA - District 08 William Findley Won 60.89% (+21.77%)
05/22/1809 US House Speaker Nathaniel Macon Lost 30.00% (-20.00%)
12/07/1808 U.S. President James Monroe Lost 0.00% (-69.71%)
11/11/1808 US President - National Vote James Monroe Lost 2.52% (-62.22%)
11/11/1808 NC US President James Monroe Lost 4.67% (-48.06%)
11/05/1808 OH US President James Monroe Lost 10.48% (-57.49%)
11/04/1808 VA US President James Monroe Lost 17.57% (-61.05%)
10/11/1808 PA District 8 William Findley Won 45.67% (+16.57%)
10/11/1808 OH Governor Thomas Kirker Lost 20.85% (-23.92%)
10/11/1808 PA District 10 John Hamilton Lost 23.51% (-52.97%)
10/11/1808 PA District 2 John Ross Won 16.81% (+0.00%)
10/11/1808 PA District 2 William Milnor Won 16.68% (-0.13%)
10/11/1808 PA District 3 Matthias Richards Won 17.10% (+0.04%)
10/11/1808 PA District 3 Daniel Hiester Won 17.05% (+0.00%)
10/11/1808 PA District 3 Robert Jenkins Won 16.89% (-0.16%)
10/14/1806 OH-Initial District James Pritchard Lost 25.98% (-48.04%)
10/14/1806 PA District 1 John Sargent Lost 5.79% (-12.03%)
08/26/1806 RI At-Large Thomas B. Hazard Lost 4.65% (-22.24%)
04/00/1805 VA District 15 John Randolph Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
10/09/1804 PA District 2 John Ross Lost 13.02% (-19.18%)