Chad-nationalist party founded by army commander and future lifetime President of Chad, Idriss Déby. The MPS became the ruling party of Chad upon the overthrow of President Hissène Habré by Déby on December 2, 1990. Party is the successor to the April 1 Movement rebel group Déby led while in exile in Sudan. Déby assumed Chad's presidency in 1991, managing to be re-elected every five years up until the time of his death in April 20, 2021. Party president was the former prime minister and speaker of the National Assembly, Haroun Kabadi. Kabadi was succeeded by Mahamat Zen Bada Abbas on January 13, 2024, who turned the party leftward and assumed the title Secretary General [Mouvement patriotique du salut (MPS); الحركة الوطنية للإنقاذ].