Left-wing party founded in 1932 as the St Kitts Workers' League. Party is considered the oldest in the Caribbean Commonwealth.
Party grew exponentially after a workers' uprising in St. Kitts in January 1935, which inflamed the rest of the West Indies. It then renamed itself in 1966 the St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Labour Party (SKNALP) ahead of the three-island declaration of association with the UK in 1967.
Party (begrudgingly) removed "Anguilla" from its name in 1980 after Anguilla rebelled and separated in 1971.
The SKNLP held total power from 1967 until defeat in 1980 by a coalition of the People’s Action Movement (PAM) and Nevis Reformation Party (NRP), which, as led by Prime Minister Kennedy Simmond, declared independence from the UK in 1983.
Party reclaimed power in 1995, winning a majority of seats in the Assembly, and its leader (since 1989), Denzil Douglas, became only the country's second Prime Minister since independence in 1983.
Party has sat in opposition with three seats in the Assembly since 2015.