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Abbreviation | 2RK |
Website | https://www.2rk.hu/ |
Country | Hungary |
Established | 2023-09-07
Disbanded | 0000-00-00
Contributor | Bojicat |
Last Edited | Bojicat - May 13, 2024 08:38am |
Description | Center-right party focused on preserving Hungary's traditions and fighting corruption founded by former Jobbik leader (2006-2018) and oft-time prime ministerial candidate, Gábor Vona. Vona's departure as leader of Jobbik on May 12, 2018 saw an almost immediate change in direction for Jobbik when it joined hands with parties opposed to Viktor Orbán's Fidesz, which resulted in a loss of two thirds of its support after parliamentary elections held in 2022. Party seeks to attract disaffected Jobbik members and calls for restructuring local governments into non-partisan bodies through direct democracy [Második Reformkor Párt (2RK or MRP)]. |
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