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Abbreviation | NRP-R |
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Country | Israel |
Established | 2023-08-20
Disbanded | 0000-00-00
Contributor | IndyGeorgia |
Last Edited | Bojicat - December 26, 2023 10:47am |
Description | Right-of-center, religious-nationalist party also known as the Mafdal-Religious Zionism party formed upon the merger of the Religious Zionist (formerly, National Union-Takuma) party and The Jewish Home on August 20, 2023. Party is co-led by Religious Zionist's Bezalel Smotrich, Israel's 28th Minister of Finance, and The Jewish Home's Hagit Moshe, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem. Party promotes judicial restraint and a free market, and opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state and the evacuation of settlements. Merged party plans its first foray in electoral politics by competing in the Jerusalem municipal elections being held on October 31, 2023. Merged party holds seven seats in the Knesset [מפלגה דתית לאומית–הציונות הדתית MPDL - Religious Zionism] |
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