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  Democratic People's
CountryUnited States
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last EditedThe Oncoming Storm - December 11, 2004 09:34pm
DescriptionThis party nominated candidates in Minnesota during the late 1890s.

Democratic People's State Platform, 1896

4th - "We denounce the Republican party of the state for its subservincy [sic] to corporations, rings and trusts and its total disregard of the great producing masses, the middle classes, the common people, farmers, mechanics and laboring men. We hold that these latter classes should especially receive the fair and first consideration of the legislative and executive powers of the state. We pledge the people, if given authority, that corporate and monopolistic selfishness, greed and power shall not control our conduct, and that, while we have no desire to strike down or injure in the slightest degree vested rights, we will see to it that the rights of the common people shall not be trenched upon, but jealously guarded.”

8th - "We demand an amendment to the constitution of the United States providing that the election of president, vice-president and United States senators be by the direct vote of the people."

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11/06/1951 VA State Senate 01 W. Russell Hatchett Lost 6.44% (-87.13%)
11/08/1904 KS - District 04 Frank B. Lowrance Lost 37.20% (-25.60%)
11/08/1904 KS - District 05 John A. Flack Lost 34.88% (-30.24%)
11/08/1904 KS - District 01 Alexander M. Harvey Lost 40.57% (-17.24%)
11/06/1900 MN State House 22 Henry A. Peterson Lost 19.29% (-15.13%)
11/06/1900 MN State House 19 Adolph C. Ochs Lost 28.20% (-13.36%)
11/06/1900 MN Governor John Lind Lost 47.95% (-0.72%)
11/06/1900 MN State House 23 August Johnson Lost 47.19% (-5.62%)
11/06/1900 MN State House 22 Morris B. Foster Lost 21.61% (-12.80%)
11/06/1900 MN District 02 Marvin E. Mathews Lost 37.05% (-22.75%)
11/06/1900 MN District 04 Alexander J. Stone Lost 40.31% (-17.43%)
11/06/1900 KS - District 05 William D. Vincent Lost 46.13% (-7.74%)
11/06/1900 MN District 06 Henry Truelson Lost 42.26% (-13.21%)
11/06/1900 MN District 07 Michael J. Daly Lost 42.29% (-9.51%)
11/06/1900 KS - District At Large Jeremiah D. Botkin Lost 46.71% (-5.57%)
11/06/1900 KS - District 01 George Washington Glick Lost 40.94% (-18.13%)
11/06/1900 MN District 01 L.L. Brown Lost 43.96% (-12.08%)
11/06/1900 KS - District 04 Thomas H. Grisham Lost 46.16% (-7.67%)
11/06/1900 MN State House 14 Johannes K. Moen Lost 18.49% (-14.45%)
11/06/1900 MN Secretary of State Michael E. Neary Lost 39.79% (-17.35%)