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Abbreviation | O |
Website | https://x-o.is/ |
Country | Iceland |
Established | 2020-09-17
Disbanded | 0000-00-00
Contributor | Bojicat |
Last Edited | IndyGeorgia - September 23, 2021 02:21pm |
Description | Center-right party founded by businessman and 'Right Green Party' creator Guðmundur Franklín Jónsson. Party promotes 'direct democracy' and the prolific use of referendums, lowering taxes and fisheries and agriculture reforms. Party is co-lead by Magnús Guðbergsson and Björgvin Egil Vídalín Arngrímsson, both elected on June 23, 2021. [Frjálslynda lýðræðisflokksins (FL or electoral code 'O')] |
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