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  Trump is everywhere. Anxious Dems wonder why Harris isn’t.
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedJason  Oct 07, 2024 11:35am
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News DateSaturday, October 5, 2024 05:35:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionDemocratic operatives, including some of Kamala Harris’ own staffers, are growing increasingly concerned about her relatively light campaign schedule, which has her holding fewer events than Donald Trump and avoiding unscripted interactions with voters and the press almost entirely.

In interviews with POLITICO, nearly two dozen Democrats described Harris as running a do-no-harm, risk-averse approach to the race they fear could hamper her as the campaign enters its final 30-day stretch.

With early voting by mail and in person already underway in more than half of the country, Harris spent just three days of the last week of September in battleground states. On Sept. 28, when Trump gave a speech in Wisconsin before flying to Alabama for the Georgia-Alabama football game, Harris was attending a fundraiser in San Francisco. And beyond concerns about her schedule, Democrats argue that Harris would benefit from venues that allow her to introduce herself to voters in a more authentic way, such as town hall events, more sit-down interviews and unscripted exchanges with voters.
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I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Tue, October 8, 2024 06:01:56 AM UTC0:00
More fear mongering, the porn industry is now desperately trying to convince people to vote Democrat to save the porn industry.

I haven't found a politician who openly defended the porn industry with their words, but the industry wants you to fall to pay to watch something that science shows does catastrophic harm to the brain.





WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.4516 points)
Tue, October 8, 2024 05:33:37 PM UTC0:00
It seems like the pron industry would support a man who uses its services.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Tue, October 8, 2024 07:48:17 PM UTC0:00
This website ain't what it used to be.

D:6454Mr. Matt ( 1766.5430 points)
Tue, October 8, 2024 08:01:38 PM UTC0:00