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  Donald Trump ‘safe’ after gunshots fired at rally in Pennsylvania
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Last EditedRP  Jul 13, 2024 06:55pm
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AuthorDavid Smith, Ramon Antonio Vargas
News DateSaturday, July 13, 2024 11:40:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionGunshots were fired at a Donald Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, prompting panic as Secret Service agents leaped on the former US president.
Donald trump surrounded by people
What we know about reports of shots fired at Donald Trump rally
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A Secret Service spokesperson said on X that “the former president is safe”, and an investigation was under way.

The local district attorney, Richard Goldringer, told the Washington Post that one member of the audience at the rally “was killed”, and “the shooter is dead”.
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Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jul 17, 2024 12:00pm General Trump Site Launches Limited-Edition Assassination Attempt Sneakers  Article RP 
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LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.2443 points)
Sun, July 14, 2024 05:04:42 AM UTC0:00
Old LW: Just great. Now he'll get a ton of sympathy.

Your party's sympathy was rioting, looting, and killing police officers.

He just attempted the first assassination attempt in 43 years at the same time where House Democrats are literally trying to strip Trump of Secret Service protection.

WASH:8766Pennsylvanian ( 404.5480 points)
Sun, July 14, 2024 12:40:11 PM UTC0:00
Old LW: one of the best Yinzers of all time, Rick Sebak

Can confirm.

LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.2443 points)
Sun, July 14, 2024 06:29:11 PM UTC0:00
LOL, CNN said Trump fell on stage even after writing in the post that loud blasts were heard and blood on his face. He is not Joe Biden at all, he went to take cover.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Thu, July 18, 2024 04:52:53 PM UTC0:00
BrentinCO: When anyone uses the Hitler comparison it invalidates their whole argument in most peoples eyes.

Its an admission that they essentially have no "meat" to support their views.

Its an emotional argument and therefore not a rational or fact based argument.

It ends any serious debate or conversation because its an admission by the user that intent isn't to have a battle of thoughts and ideas, rather its meant to be a display of their anger and hatred.

Ah yes, because there is NO FOUNDATION for the comparisons to the Nazi's. Well I mean, except for:
-Demonizing the LGBTQ and wanting to suppress studies that show that LGBT People are not "weird" or "unnatural"
-Consistent virulent hatred of political opponents
-A Particular focus on Anti-Communism
-Revering their leader in a deity like status
-Refusing to accept election results where they lose

Let us take a look at Lawrence Britt's 14 Characteristics of Fascism, and compare it to Donald Trump and the Republican Party:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism. ✓ The GOP's entire slogans are based on this heavy nationalistic fervor "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" "AMERICA FIRST"
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights. ✓ Kids in cages, sending the police to quell protestors, wanted the US to literally "bomb the hell" out of the Mideast
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause. ✓ Marxists, Socialists, Democrats, Muslims, Mexicans, the Chinese, Ukraine, Palestinians, Transgenders, take your pick
4. Supremacy of the Military. ✓ Trump wanted to do the Military parade alongside this fake veneer of "SUPPORTING THE TROOPS"
5. Rampant Sexism. ✓ GOP wants traditional gender roles upkept, alongside Trumps personal comments towards women and girls.
6. Controlled Mass Media. ✓ Trump's plan for 2024 is to put the Federal Communications Commission directly under control of the US President
7. Obsession with National Security. ✓ His whole scapegoating about the Border is claiming of "AN INVASION"
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined. ✓ GOP & Trump are ONSESSED with religion, using it to justify many actions including letting 12 year old rape victims keep the fetuses. Alongside with many just openly stating "WE ARE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS"
9. Corporate Power is Protected. ✓ Trump and the GOP
10. Labor Power is Suppressed. ✓ Packing the Courts with Anti-Labor Judges, Restricted Overtime Pay, reduce workers inscurance among other things listed here [Link]
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts. ✓ Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, WOKE MEDIA, FAKE NEWS
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment. ✓ "LAW AND ORDER" alongside him stating he will go after his political opponents
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. ✓ Swing a dead cat in DC and find a non corrupt politician, this article by CREW goes into a lot of the specific areas of Trumps Corruption because its hard to remember off the top of my head [Link]
14. Fraudulent Elections. ✓ LITERALLY TRIED EVERYTING TO RIG THE 2020 ELECTION. False Electors, "find 11,000 votes", JANUARY 6TH

Now if you would like to DISPUTE any of those things, be my guest, but the insinuation there is NO COMPARISON in regards to policy and ideals is ludacris...

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.4790 points)
Thu, July 18, 2024 05:29:48 PM UTC0:00
Don't spend so much time on what you hate. Put all that energy into what you love. Its more rewarding and constructive.

D:8255My Congressman is a Weiner ( -19.7986 points)
Fri, July 19, 2024 03:33:24 PM UTC0:00
"Everything you post is hate hate hate anger anger anger hitler hitler hitler. Its frankly depressing and that's what I object to mostly - your intense anger and negativity."

He's got reasons to be angry, but you're confusing that with being hateful. Stop dismissing him based on "vibes".