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  Gomes plans to move forward with a second Bridgeport mayoral primary election
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Nov 09, 2023 07:27pm
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News DateThursday, November 9, 2023 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBridgeport mayoral candidate John Gomes says he has a message for current mayor Joe Ganim.

“I want to make it very clear to this administration, we will not drop any case because a crime was committed, the verdict vindicated us, we won twice in the polls,” Gomes said.

Gomes’ complaints about his loss in the primary election were upheld in court. Judge William Clark ruled a new primary date had to be chosen by both parties by November 10. Clark noted in his decision that, “Quite simply the defendants ask this court to ignore the significant mishandling of ballots by partisans that were caught on video flouting the mandatory provisions of Connecticut law.”
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