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  Upset Scored by Holsinger [CA-11]
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Jul 11, 2023 08:02pm
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News DateThursday, March 8, 1979 02:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionG.W. "Joe" Holsinger, a longtime chief aide to Rep. Leo Ryan, D-Calif., whose murder triggered the Jonestown mass murder-suicides, has won the right to a spot in a runoff election to succeed his slain boss. "The voters said 1 w as the most qualified candidate to carry on the work of my very good friend Leo Ryan," Holsinger, a Democrat, said in a victory statement Tuesday night. He now faces Republican County Supervisor William Royer. 58, in the April 3 runoff. Holsinger's victory on the Democratic side represented an upset of former San Bruno Mayor George Corey, who garnered the support of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. and heavily outspent other candidates. Corey. 45, of Syrian extraction, apparently was hurt by charges he accepted money from the National Arab-American Association. Holsinger also beat former Ryan aide Jackie Speier, 28, who attracted national publicity but thin local support after being wounded with Ryan as he tried to flee the Port Kaituma, Guyana, airstrip.
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