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  Who won where in Denver’s latest election? Here are a ton of maps and charts to fill your ravenous mind
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Last EditedBrentinCO  May 04, 2023 09:41am
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News DateThursday, May 4, 2023 03:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionElection Day is coming back in the form of the June 6 runoff, people, which means it’s still a good time to talk municipal politics.

The subject today: What do we know about our last election day as a handful of city races head towards their run-offs?

We took a look at Denver Elections’ final, “official” results, which are now available at the precinct level. We combined that info with neighborhood-level data on race, political party registration, turnout and age to see how candidates fared with different pools of voters…

…then, we charted everything!
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