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  Former city councilor Randy Thurston running for Pueblo [CO] mayor again
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Mar 11, 2023 12:20pm
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MediaNewspaper - Pueblo Chieftain
News DateMonday, March 6, 2023 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRandy Thurston is the latest candidate to announce a bid for Pueblo mayor.

In a press release and interview with the Chieftain, Thurston said he will focus on public safety and emphasized his leadership experience.

“This community has all the ingredients necessary to keep us moving forward in a positive direction. But the current political leadership is taking us down an unacceptable path. Our current state of the city seems to allow illegal and irresponsible behaviors,” Thurston said. He added that the mayor’s office needs to work with local and state elected officials to “ensure illegal behavior is recognized and prosecuted within the framework of our laws.”
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