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  Suspect in Shootings at Homes and Offices of New Mexico Democrats Is in Custody
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Jan 12, 2023 11:00pm
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News DateTuesday, January 10, 2023 04:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe authorities in Albuquerque announced Monday that a suspect in the recent shootings at the homes or offices of a half-dozen Democratic elected officials was in custody on unrelated charges and that they had recovered a gun used in at least one of the shootings.

Officials did not release information on the suspect other than to say that he is a man under 50; nor would they say what the unrelated charges were.

“We are still trying to link and see which cases are related and which cases are not related,” Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina said at a news conference on Monday afternoon.
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