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  Atlantic City GOP backs Kurtz, Risley for [NJ] Assembly
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedWSNJ  Feb 21, 2021 01:09pm
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AuthorDavid Wildstein
News DateSunday, February 21, 2021 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe Atlantic City Republican Club has endorsed two candidates for State Assembly in the politically competitive 2nd district: County Commissioner John Risley and Jesse O. Kurtz, the lone Republican on the Atlantic City Council.

“Few elected officials in District 2 have exemplified our GOP core values and integrity more than Jesse Kurtz and John Risley,” the Atlantic City Republicans said in a statement. “Their collective records have been consistent in their public service, always placing service above self; always helping those in need and never wavering on their responsibilities.”
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