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  Trump tests positive for coronavirus
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Last EditedRP  Oct 02, 2020 05:53am
Logged 1 [Older]
AuthorVeronica Rocha
News DateFriday, October 2, 2020 11:45:00 AM UTC0:0
Description President Trump and first lady Melania Trump have both tested positive for Covid-19. They will begin quarantining immediately, he said.

The President and first lady are "both well," and Trump is expected to continue his duties while recovering, the White House doctor said. Read the memo here.

Trump's top aide Hope Hicks has also tested positive for the virus.

Global markets were rattled by the news of Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis.
ArticleRead Full Article

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Oct 05, 2020 11:00am Profile “Don Jr. Thinks Trump Is Acting Crazy”: The President’s COVID Joyride Has the Family Divided  Article RP 
Oct 02, 2020 06:50pm General ‘God-tier genetics’: A stunned MAGA world offers blame, adulation after Trump’s diagnosis  Article RP 

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I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.6006 points)
Sat, October 3, 2020 04:57:02 PM UTC0:00
Add Chris Christie. He was involved with debate prep and at the Rose Garden.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.4790 points)
Sat, October 3, 2020 05:24:33 PM UTC0:00
And so now is Senator Ron Johnson.


D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Sat, October 3, 2020 05:42:19 PM UTC0:00
October 2, 2020 will go down in history as the day Republicans began to believe in science and Democrats began to believe in God.

D:7CA Pol Junkie ( 4953.9048 points)
Sat, October 3, 2020 05:44:49 PM UTC0:00
This indicates that Trump was known to be positive around noon on Wednesday, before his Minnesota rally and fundraiser Thursday night. Exposing people after a diagnosis is the act of a sociopath.

I:1038WA Indy ( 1772.5920 points)
Sat, October 3, 2020 07:02:12 PM UTC0:00
CA Pol Junkie: Exposing people after a diagnosis is the act of a sociopath.

Very on brand.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.6006 points)
Sun, October 4, 2020 04:01:49 AM UTC0:00

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Sun, October 4, 2020 11:59:39 PM UTC0:00
“It’s been a very interesting journey. I learned a lot about COVID. I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn't the let's-read-the-books school,” Trump said in a video posted to Twitter. “And I get it, and I understand it and it's a very interesting thing and i’m going to be letting you know about it.” - Trump [Link]

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Mon, October 5, 2020 05:15:52 PM UTC0:00
“The White House Virus is still rampant in the USA,” says Xi Jinping. “But here in China we have it completely under control.”

His scathing words are an apparent rebuke to Donald Trump repeatedly calling Covid-19 ‘The China Virus.’

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Mon, October 5, 2020 09:18:16 PM UTC0:00

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Tue, October 6, 2020 01:27:51 AM UTC0:00

BEER:10271WSNJ ( 452.9941 points)
Tue, October 6, 2020 01:29:23 AM UTC0:00
“The White House Virus is still rampant in the USA,” says Xi Jinping. “But here in China we have it completely under control.”

His scathing words are an apparent rebuke to Donald Trump repeatedly calling Covid-19 ‘The China Virus.’

OMG! China owned Trump and the cons! 😒

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Tue, October 6, 2020 03:54:43 AM UTC0:00
I swear, over 400 people dying from it every day in this country and Trump says don't be afraid and downplays taking precautions. And most Americans don't get the level of treatment the US President gets. Some don't have health insurance at all, and he's suing to throw even more people off health insurance. Ass.

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Tue, October 6, 2020 01:53:31 PM UTC0:00

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.6006 points)
Wed, October 7, 2020 02:22:27 AM UTC0:00
A gentleman named Peter James Walker has an online contact tracing tracker. Thought some would find it interesting: [Link]

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