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  Workers Join Belarus Protests, as Leader’s Base Turns Against Him
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Aug 14, 2020 02:28pm
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AuthorIvan Nechepurenko and Anton Troianovski
News DateFriday, August 14, 2020 07:10:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMINSK, Belarus — The popular uprising against President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko of Belarus entered a new phase on Friday as protests spread at the state-run factories at the core of his political base.

In one of the most dramatic demonstrations, hundreds of workers gathered at the entrance to the Minsk Tractor Works, a Soviet-era industrial giant whose farming machinery is one of Belarus’s best-known brands. They presented an ultimatum to management: Unless a new and fair election is called, they will go on strike.

“We refuse to go back to work,” said one of the workers, Sergei A. Drilevsky, 35. “People refuse to have this president. He is illegitimate.”

Footage of similar protests by transit workers and autoworkers, at an oil refinery, and at factories making synthetic fabric, fertilizer and trucks coursed through social media. The new flash of discontent at state-owned companies — making it clear that the opposition to Mr. Lukashenko has spread far beyond the urban middle class — appeared to have been driven by accounts of widespread police violence against protesters that spread online on Thursday.
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