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  And Now…Eddie Rispone For Governor?
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Dec 03, 2018 01:08pm
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News DateMonday, December 3, 2018 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionSo who is Eddie Rispone, and why would anybody think he has a chance to be elected Louisiana’s governor next fall?

A pretty good biographical reference on Rispone can be found here, in a piece the Baton Rouge Business Report wrote on him while awarding him as the 2016 Baton Rouge Businessperson of the Year. Rispone founded ISC Constructors in Baton Rouge in 1989, and he’s grown it into a company with offices in Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Beaumont and Houston and more than 2,500 employees in the industrial construction field specializing in electrical instrumentation and controls at facilities like oil refineries and chemical plants. It’s highly specialized work, but it’s pretty lucrative, which is one reason Rispone has been known for a long time as one of Louisiana’s most prominent conservative and Republican political donors. Rispone has been a past chair of the national Association of Builders and Contractors, he’s chaired the Louisiana Workforce Investment Council and he’s chaired the pro-school choice Louisiana Federation for Children, among other things.

Rispone has also been a player on the local political scene in Baton Rouge, emerging as a key backer of Bodi White’s mayoral campaign in 2016 and heading up Baton Rouge Families First, a group battling the destructive left-wing Alinskyite outfit Together Baton Rouge over things like the Industrial Tax Exemption Program and other economic and social issues. Rispone has also emerged as a key supporter of the movement to incorporate the city of St. George in the southern part of East Baton Rouge Parish.
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