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  Lawmaker faces DUI charges
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ContributorMr. Techno 
Last EditedMr. Techno  Mar 07, 2004 05:09pm
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MediaNewspaper - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
News DateSunday, March 7, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionState Rep. David Levdansky faces charges of drunken driving and other traffic violations in connection with a traffic stop in Rostraver Township.

Township police Chief Greg Resetar said Levdansky's 2002 Ford Explorer was stopped for several traffic violations at 3:17 a.m. Feb. 28 on Route 201 at the intersection of Finley Road.

Levdansky, a Democrat from Elizabeth, Allegheny County, showed "prominent signs of intoxication," according to the criminal complaint, including red, bloodshot eyes; slurred speech; poor coordination, and poor balance.

The criminal complaint stated Levdansky's blood-alcohol content registered at 0.16 percent. A person is considered legally drunk in Pennsylvania at 0.08.

Resetar said Levdansky, 49, of 5118 Dorris Drive, admitted to having four drinks. The state representative failed a series of field sobriety tests and was taken to Mon Valley Hospital, Carroll Township, where he consented to a blood-alcohol test.

Levdansky was charged with driving under the influence, driving in a turning lane, running a red light and failing to use a turn signal.
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