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  Trump Attacks His Accusers in His Most Extreme, Angry, and Unhinged Speech Yet
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Last EditedRP  Oct 14, 2016 10:51am
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AuthorTim Murphy
News DateThursday, October 13, 2016 08:15:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionFacing allegations that he sexually assaulted several women, Donald Trump gave the most extreme and angry speech of his campaign on Thursday, during a rally in West Palm Beach, Florida. The GOP nominee, who tweeted on Tuesday that the "shackles have been taken off me," lashed out at the "corporate" media, the women who have accused him of kissing and touching them without consent, and a "globalist" criminal conspiracy involving Hillary Clinton, her husband, and international bankers.

Throughout the speech, Trump used harsh language that evoked old and ugly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about international bankers who supposedly infiltrate national governments and control the global agenda. Citing recent Clinton campaign emails published by WikiLeaks, Trump told the crowd that "Clinton meets in secret with international banks in order to plot the destruction of US sovereignty." Echoing the rhetoric of Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists, Trump repeatedly referred to "globalists" as the true enemy and Clinton as their handmaiden.
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