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  A Complete List of Donald Trump’s Business Disasters
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Last EditedRP  Mar 18, 2016 06:28pm
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AuthorAshley Feinberg
News DateFriday, March 18, 2016 08:30:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWhile debate moderators introduce every other candidate by their political credentials (Governor, Senator, what have you), Donald Trump comes to us only as “businessman.” So considering it’s his one and only qualification for the candidacy, you’d think he’d be better at it.

Trump’s purported lack of business acumen has been a major sticking point recently, with Marco Rubio (may he rest in peace) even calling Trump out for his shoddy record: “I mean this is a guy that’s taken Trump airlines bankrupt, Trump vodka, nobody wanted it, Trump mortgage, was a disaster, Trump university was a fraud.” Rubio’s right—but he’s also barely scratched the surface.

Of course, everyone is familiar with Trump’s real estate failings (more generally known as Atlantic City), but it’s the business ventures where his recklessness really shines.
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