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  Dan Benishek [MI-01] to Retire in 2016
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Last EditedRP  Sep 15, 2015 11:44am
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AuthorEmily Cahn
News DateTuesday, September 15, 2015 02:50:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRep. Dan Benishek, R-Mich., will not seek a fourth term in the House, he announced Tuesday, choosing to stick to a three-term limit he set for himself when he first ran in 2010.

“Today I’m announcing that I won’t seek re-election next year, which will allow me to focus my time and attention on helping our veterans and working to make things better for the families and workers throughout Northern Michigan, and devote more time to my family,” Benishek said in a statement.

Benishek’s decision to retire instead of run for re-election is a change of course for the three-term Republican. In March, he said he would run for a fourth term, despite his earlier pledge. His decision to retire leaves vacant his 1st District seat, which GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney carried by an 8-point margin in 2012.
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