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  Bill Bishop endorses Mayor Alvin Brown for re-election
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedRP  Apr 30, 2015 03:48pm
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AuthorDavid Bauerlein
MediaNewspaper - Florida Times-Union
News DateThursday, April 30, 2015 07:40:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionCity Councilman Bill Bishop, who finished third in the March mayor’s race, endorsed Mayor Alvin Brown on Thursday for re-election.

Bishop previously had opted not to endorse either Brown or challenger Lenny Curry, who finished one-two in the March contest. Brown and Curry face off May 19 to decide the race.

In the March “first election,” Brown won 43 percent, Curry captured 38 percent, and Bishop corralled 17 percent of the vote.

Bishop appeared with Brown to make the announcement at Hemming Park, across from City Hall. Bishop said he had met with both Brown and Curry to hear their ideas, and he also based his decision on which person is “the most qualified to move the city forward.”
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