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  Doctor and former state rep Mancuso considers [AL] Lt. Gov. run
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Last EditedRBH  Sep 30, 2013 04:52pm
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News DateWednesday, September 25, 2013 11:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionA former state representative and dermatologist with offices in Decatur, Florence and Madison said today he is seriously considering a 2014 run for lieutenant governor.

Dr. Angelo Mancuso of Courtland said the announcement of International Paper’s closing two weeks ago, and politicians’ handling of it prompted him to think of another political run as a Democrat.

He said had International Paper, which has 1,100 employees, been put out of business by a natural disaster, the state would have reacted more quickly.

“If this was a tornado, the governor would have been up here, the lieutenant governor would have been up here,” Mancuso said. “That’s an insult to Courtland and Lawrence County.”
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