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  Polk City, Florida politician Neil Combee asks if White House planned Syria chemical attack
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Last EditedRBH  Sep 04, 2013 07:09pm
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News DateThursday, September 5, 2013 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionMultiple politicians have been ensnared in scandal by questionable social media posts. Tuesday night, state Representative Neil Combee (R-Polk City) became the latest to run into problems on social media.

As first reported by the Broward New Times, Combee took to his Twitter account late Tuesday night and wrote, "Who Know? Did the White House Help Plan The Syrian Chemical Attack?"

He then linked to a conspiracy theorist site that is peddling a theory by Yossef Bodansky alleging the U.S. may be behind the attack.

Combee would then begin a Twitter argument with Representative Alan Williams (D-Gadsden) before Combee said of the White House, "they lied about Fast &Furious-Benghazi-IRS-You can keep your Dr-pretty silly to bite on anything they try to feed u."
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