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  Liz Cheney: 'I Am Not Pro-Gay Marriage'
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Aug 30, 2013 12:10pm
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AuthorAlex Pappas
MediaWebsite - Huffington Post
News DateFriday, August 30, 2013 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionLiz Cheney flatly declared on Friday that she is “not pro-gay marriage.”

Cheney, a Republican running for the U.S. Senate in Wyoming, made the policy statement after accusing the campaign of incumbent Republican Sen. Mike Enzi of distorting her views on the subject through a campaign push poll.

“I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage,” Cheney said in a statement released by her campaign. “I believe the issue of marriage must be decided by the states, and by the people in the states, not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves.”

The issue hits close to home for Cheney. Her sister, Mary, is openly gay and is supportive of same-sex marriage. The Daily Caller reported that Mary Cheney married her long-time partner Heather Poe in Washington D.C. in June 2012.

Her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, also supports gay marriage.
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Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Aug 31, 2013 10:00am News Mary Cheney says Liz Cheney is ‘dead wrong’ on gay marriage  Article Homegrown Democrat