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  Crash victims unhappy with state Rep. Naomi Gonzalez's lack of response
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Last EditedRBH  Mar 25, 2013 02:37pm
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MediaNewspaper - El Paso Times
News DateFriday, March 22, 2013 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionTwo women who were in a car that was rear-ended by state Rep. Naomi Gonzalez said the El Paso lawmaker should not be allowed to keep her job in light of allegations that she caused the crash while driving drunk.

Chloe Stagner and Shane Pedraza, both 21, said they have yet to receive an apology from Gonzalez, who last week slammed her BMW into the Fiat the two women were in, causing the Fiat to hit a cyclist. They started an online petition Wednesday night calling on Gonzalez to step down as District 76 representative. The district covers the Lower Valley and parts of East and Central El Paso.

"I'm not from her district, but I am a Texan and I am a Texas voter," Stagner, a Houston resident, said in an interview with the El Paso Times. "If it was my representative that hit me and then didn't bother to even apologize to me on the night or reach out to me in any way, I would assume that that person doesn't care about me at all. And, if that person is a representative, I would assume that they don't care about the people that they represent if they don't care about the people that they've injured."
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