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  The Ed to Ed feud that could wreck Miliband's No10 dream
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ContributorKarma Policeman 
Last EditedKarma Policeman  Nov 15, 2012 11:14pm
Logged 1 [Older]
AuthorAndrew Pierce
MediaNewspaper - Daily Mail
News DateSaturday, September 1, 2012 05:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionEarlier this year, as Ed Miliband launched into one of his long-winded speeches to his shadow cabinet, everyone at least tried to create the impression they were giving the Labour leader their undivided attention.
But there was one notable exception, a man who made no effort to conceal the fact the Labour leader had lost the interest of the room. Ed Balls, the pugnacious shadow chancellor and devout disciple of Gordon Brown, was nonchalantly reading and sending messages on his BlackBerry while Mr Miliband droned on.
As Mr Balls tapped away, indifferent to the embarrassment of colleagues and anger of the Labour leader, Mr Miliband asserted his authority and snapped: ‘Ed, people can be just as interesting as BlackBerries . . .’
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