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  Romney Dressage Rider Hits Back At Elitist Jibes Over Olympics
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Jul 28, 2012 02:57pm
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AuthorThomas Penny
News DateSaturday, July 28, 2012 01:35:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionJan Ebeling, the 53-year-old who will be riding Ann Romney’s horse Rafalca in dressage at the London Olympics, said the elitist tag put on the sport is unfair.

Ann Romney’s part-ownership of the horse has been lampooned by critics of her husband, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, as being symbolic of the family being out of touch with normal Americans. Dressage, which involves horses carrying out controlled movements, can be pursued on a “normal budget,” Ebeling said. He declined to put a figure on what “normal” might be.

“If you look at our team, there’s nobody who’s a millionaire,” Ebeling said today in an interview at the Olympic Park. “When I grew up we had no money. I worked my butt off. I cleaned stalls. People saw the talent and would let me ride their horses. Money is not something that defines dressage. It’s something you can do with a normal budget.”
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