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  New Orleans City Council candidate makes odd pitch for endorsement
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedRBH  Mar 25, 2012 12:54am
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MediaNewspaper - New Orleans Times-Picayune
News DateWednesday, February 8, 2012 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionCandidates vying for support from political groups typically have a simple game plan: Be cordial, impress the membership and walk away with an endorsement. Andrew Gressett, one of seven hopefuls seeking an at-large New Orleans City Council seat, seems to think angering his hosts is a better strategy.

During a question-and-answer session Tuesday night before the Alliance for Good Government, a combative Gressett appeared determined to frame all of his responses with attacks on one of his opponents, District B Councilwoman Stacy Head -- regardless of the question.

Though he was warned repeatedly to stay on topic, Gressett called out Head every time. At one point, Gressett, a real-estate broker and a serial candidate, charged that Head had "destroyed" economic development in the Central Business District, though he cited no examples.

Training his cannons on Head is nothing new for Gressett. When he ran for 6th District assessor in 2006, he sent out a pair of slick mass mailings trashing Head -- even though she wasn't in the race.
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