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  Ahmadinejad Says Atomic Weapons Immoral, Belong to Last Century
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Last EditedCraverguy  Mar 20, 2012 06:27pm
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AuthorPatrick Donahue and Tony Czuczka
News DateTuesday, March 20, 2012 09:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that atomic weapons are immoral and “belong to the last century,” while pledging in an interview with German television that his country would respond to an attack.

Iran is against pursuing a nuclear bomb as a matter of “principle,” Ahmadinejad told German public broadcaster ZDF in a 40-minute interview. He called atomic weaponry an anachronism whose time ended with World War II. Asked whether Iran would retaliate if it were attacked, the president equated his country’s response in such a scenario to that of the U.S.

“What does a country do if it’s attacked? What would the Americans do?” Ahmadinejad said, according to translated comments posted late yesterday on ZDF’s website. “They would defend themselves, clearly. That’s what we would do.”

The U.S. and its European allies accuse Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapon, with the Israeli government warning it may mount a military strike to forestall any further development. International sanctions on Iran have tightened as the country refuses to heed demands by the United Nations to suspend uranium enrichment and allow wider access to inspectors.

Iran says that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. Ahmadinejad said that even if the country were to seek a nuclear capability, it wouldn’t hesitate to declare it.
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