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  Lawmaker won't honor 'radicalized' Girl Scouts
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Last EditedRBH  Feb 20, 2012 08:23pm
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News DateTuesday, February 21, 2012 02:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionA Fort Wayne lawmaker has refused to sign on to a resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts, calling the group a "radicalized organization" that supports abortion and promotes the "homosexual lifestyle."

Rep. Bob Morris, R-Fort Wayne, sent a letter to his fellow House Republicans on Saturday explaining why he would be the only member in the House not to endorse the nonbinding resolution.

He said he did some web-based research and found allegations that the Girl Scouts are a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood, allows transgender females to join and encourages sex.

Morris also said the fact that First Lady Michelle Obama is honorary president "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."
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Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Feb 24, 2012 09:05pm General Indiana Lawmaker Regrets Letter About Girl Scouts  Article COSDem