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  Hoekstra's Super Bowl ad drags his poll numbers down
Parent(s) AdVideo 
ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Feb 15, 2012 04:01pm
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AuthorKathleen Gray
News DateTuesday, February 14, 2012 10:30:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe controversial first ad aired by the Pete Hoekstra for Senate campaign has taken its toll. A poll of 560 Michigan voters, done late last week by Public Policy Polling, shows Hoekstra falling further behind incumbent U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow. She’s beating Hoekstra by a 51%-37% margin and Clark Durant, a Grosse Pointe Republican, by a 50-33% margin.

The North Carolina-based polling firm asked people surveyed if they were familiar with Hoekstra’s ad, which started airing on Super Bowl Sunday and featured an Asian woman riding a bike alongside a rice paddy and speaking broken English. Of those polled, 54% were familiar with the ad and 45% of those people said it made them less likely to vote for Hoekstra; 15% said the ad would make them more likely to vote for Hoekstra while 37% said it wouldn’t make a difference.

Hoekstra has since replaced the ad with another one highlighting Stabenow’s spending without any Asian images and scrubbed the first commercial from his website.
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