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  Lees joins big field of hopefuls.
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Last EditedNot in Public Domain  Feb 03, 2004 03:55pm
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News DateTuesday, February 3, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionCharleston attorney Jim Lees, who lost gubernatorial bids in 1996 and 2000, filed for the Democratic nomination, along with former state legislator Lacy Wright Jr. of Welch and James Baughman of Philippi, who unsuccessfully ran for state Senate two years ago.

Lees, a Scott Depot resident, said none of the candidates has talked about how to pull the state out of the red, and have seldom mentioned real issues.

“Joe [Manchin] and Lloyd [Jackson] are good and decent people, but it just seems to me that this time around, people want to hear specifics,” Lees said.

Wright has a similar feel, saying he has been to a number of southern counties inquiring what voters think. “I think I’ve got a shot” to win, he said from his Welch law office. “There seems to be a lot of uneasiness out there, with what everybody says.”

He called Manchin and Jackson, considered the front-runners, “two different sides of the same old bunch.”

Wright has served five terms in the House of Delegates and one in the Senate. He believes state residents want something different.

“It’s not much different than what’s been going on the last 10 or 12 years,” he said
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