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  Santorum’s Communist Clan
Parent(s) Candidate 
Last EditedRP  Jan 11, 2012 01:11pm
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AuthorBarbie Latza Nadeau
MediaWebsite - Yahoo News
News DateWednesday, January 11, 2012 11:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionOn the campaign trail, Santorum often touts his grandfather’s flight from Italy “to escape fascism,” but he has neglected to publicly mention their close ties with the Italian Communist Party. “Rick’s grandfather Pietro was a liberal man and he understood right away what was happening in Italy,” Mrs. Santorum told Oggi. “He was anti-fascist to the extreme, and the political climate in 1925 was stifling so he left for America. After a few years he returned to Italy with his wife and children, including Aldo, Rick’s father, who passed away late last year. It’s a shame he won’t have the joy to see his son’s success in his bid for the White House.” She goes on to explain how the family then became pillars of the Communist Party in Italy.
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