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  Rick Santorum’s “Moral, Cultural Policies” Speech Will Focus on Specifics for a Santorum White House
Parent(s) Candidate 
ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Nov 03, 2011 02:30pm
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AuthorShushannah Walshe
News DateThursday, November 3, 2011 06:05:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionDES MOINES, IOWA–Now that Rick Santorum’s marathon 99-county tour of Iowa is complete, he’s shifting focus to a series of policy speeches that he will be giving in the early states starting this Friday.

The first address of the Faith, Family and Freedom Tour is titled “Moral, Cultural Policies for a Santorum White House” which he will give at his Iowa headquarters tomorrow.

ABC News got an exclusive peak at some of the specific policies he will address tomorrow and he hopes to implement if he gets the Republican nomination and defeats President Obama next November.


The congressional directives he’s going to include in the speech are calling on Congress to abolish the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, advocating for a personhood amendment, and calling on Congress to reinstitute Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell.
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