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  Barbara Mallory Caraway knocking on doors today to unseat Eddie Bernice Johnson
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ContributorTX DEM 
Last EditedTX DEM  Sep 22, 2011 08:20pm
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News DateTuesday, September 13, 2011 02:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBarbara Mallory Caraway's run to unseat incumbent Eddie Bernice Johnson in Congress is in full swing.

Her husband, council member Dwaine Caraway, told me this morning that "she's out there knocking on doors as we speak."

Gromer Jeffers Jr. reported in late August that Mallory Caraway was preparing a campaign. Then, today, a Washington D.C. reporter named Dave Levinthal let us know that Mallory Caraway had formed a campaign committee.

The run marks the boldest move yet for a southern Dallas political duo that joined forces in the early 1990s when Caraway ran Barbara Mallory's council campaign, prior to their marriage.
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