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  Elen Lauper Is Running for Mayor of Phoenix, but Not on Pop-Rock Sister Cyndi's Gaudy Coattails
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ContributorMagical Horse 
Last EditedMagical Horse  Apr 15, 2011 12:02pm
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AuthorJames S. Kunen
News DateMonday, August 12, 1985 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWhen Elen Lauper announced last April that she was running as the Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Phoenix, none of the handful of reporters present thought to ask if she was related to the wacky rock star Cyndi Lauper.

A family tie seemed too farfetched. After all, a great deal more than geography separates the Arizona capital's Socialist Bookstore, where Elen, 33, threw her hat into the ring, from the artists' lofts of lower Manhattan, where the flame-haired she-bopper pursues her antic art. But the truth will out—even if both Elen and Cyndi wish it wouldn't—and the truth is, the two are sisters. Elen definitely does not agree with Cyndi, 32, that Girls Just Want to Have Fun. But Cyndi's self-descriptive album title fits Elen equally well: She's So Unusual.

As befits the standard-bearer of a party so-named, Elen is a worker—a helper-and-bundler who cuts hot steel with a blowtorch at the Marathon Steel Company's Phoenix plant for $8 an hour. "It's hard," says the 5'4" Elen, "but you get a certain amount of respect once you've matched all the things that your co-workers can do."
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