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  Missouri’s McCaskill urges Christie Vilsack to run for Congress
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Last EditedCOSDem  Apr 01, 2011 07:39pm
Logged 1 [Older]
News DateWednesday, March 30, 2011 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionMissouri Sen. Clare McCaskill said she wants Christie Vilsack to run for Congress, according to an item on The St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s website Tuesday.

Vilsack and McCaskill have a little shared history. The former Iowa first lady’s family is from northern Missouri. But the two got to know each other in 2006, when Iowa’s then-Gov. Tom Vilsack, Christie Vilsack’s husband, was weighing a presidential campaign and headlined a fundraiser in St. Louis for McCaskill’s U.S. Senate bid.

“Tell Christie I think it’s a great idea,” McCaskill said to Tom Vilsack, now U.S. secretary of agriculture, after a press conference together in St. Louis, the Post-Dispatch item said. “Tell her I’ll come up and knock on some doors!”
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