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  Emmer to lobby for effort he opposed as legislator
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Last EditedRP  Feb 17, 2011 11:53am
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MediaNewspaper - Star Tribune, The (Minneapolis - St. Paul)
News DateTuesday, February 15, 2011 03:50:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionTwo years ago, then-state Rep. Tom Emmer made a fervent appeal on the House floor to lift a moratorium on new cancer radiation clinics not attached to hospitals.

In a spirited debate, the Republican from Delano called the ban "patently unfair" and "micromanaging in its worst form." He pleaded with legislators to let "market forces return."

Earlier this month, the unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate registered as a lobbyist. His only client: Minneapolis Radiation Oncology Physicians, the outfit that wants to extend the moratorium.

Emmer defended the switch, saying he now believes extending the moratorium will ultimately allow the free market to work.

"I am in favor of the free market, absolutely," Emmer said Monday. "But on this issue, you need to be more considerate."
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